Wednesday, February 17, 2021

App.config File Transformation in Azure DevOps

Utilizing the right tool for the right job makes life easier. That also means we have to keep learning and exploring new tools.

For some if not many of us, we probably wish we can do config file transformation on app.config for various environment just like web.config. To do that locally, we can use something like SlowCheetah, but in my case, I want to do it before deploying to the server. 

So I use Azure DevOps File Transform task. Learning from my experience with web.config, I added couple of transformation file such as App.Prod.config. It took couple of tries for me to get it working right and the following are the steps I take:

  1. Add transformation file and set its Copy to Output Directory property to Always.
  2. Since App.config is usually renamed to <ApplicationName>.exe.config and File transform task requires config files to follow certain naming pattern, for example, App.<environment>.config can only be used to transform App.config, I set Copy to Output Directory property of App.config file to Always. Another option is probably to change the transformation file name but it doesn't look nice locally.
  3. Set the transformation rules of the File Transform task to:
  4. -transform **/App.Prod.config -xml **/App.config -result <appname>.exe.config

NullReferenceException on VB.NET Anonymous Type

As much as we talk about decoupling in computer world, it is probably quite impossible to achieve. The best thing we can do is reduce coupling. But my point is actually on how fragile our code is nowadays. Seems like I have to keep relying on workarounds just to keep the application working.

I have a working anonymous type and there is no change on that particular line. It looks like the following:

Dim theValue = SharedFunction.GetValue()

Some changes on the project, however, has nothing to do with that particular line of code. I switched to VS2019 instead of VS2017 and update Nuget packages without touching that code. The project builds successfully. But during runtime, that particular line threw NullReferenceException.

At first, I thought it is my shared function, but it worked great when I ran it on Immediate Window.

Few other things are the project is using .NET Framework 4.6.2 and the problematic code is nested inside an if statement which is nested inside #If directive.

It might have something to do with the way the compiler generates the name of the anonymous type such as the "caution" section in the following article, but I didn't pursue any further.

I took the problematic code out from the if statement and #If directive and it works fine. So my code goes from:

#If Not Debug Then
  If condition = true Then
    Dim theValue = SharedFunction.GetValue()
  End If
#End If


Dim theValue = SharedFunction.GetValue()

#If Not Debug Then
  If condition = true Then
  End If
#End If

Monday, February 15, 2021

Retain Web.Config Transformation Files in Azure DevOps

Documentation is never enough and it will never be able to keep up with the change. The only way to really find answer to a problem is to experiment.

I have a simple task. Keep the web.config transformation files during build pipeline in Azure DevOps so I can use them to transform the web.config during release pipeline to customize by environment. By transformation files, I mean files such as web.Release.config. 

I had it working by adding a copy task in Azure DevOps but it was just a workaround, so I'm trying to find a more elegant way on doing the same thing.

At first, I only set the Build Action of each transformation file to Content. It is supposed to be included during deployment. However, after build is done, I noticed the transformation files were discarded and thus not included.

After few trial and error, the steps that work for me are:

  • Setting the Build Action to Content for each transformation file
  • Remove <DependentUpon> tag of each transformation file in project file

The following thread triggered my removal of <DependentUpon> tag

Update Feb 16, 2021

My transformation task threw a NullReferenceException. It happened because during build, there was a transformation that took place and removed the tag that supposedly exists. To fix this, I have to disable the transformation during build and I manage to do that by providing the following MSBuild argument:


In my case, I built a .NET Framework app using VS2017. There are cases online which the tag above doesn't work and it might not work on .NET Core app. Some people manage to suppress transformation using the following MSBuild argument which sadly didn't work for me:


VB.NET Property is of Unsupported Type

 Backward compatibility is hard and there is a saying "The only constant is change". The error message this time makes me scratch my head for an hour or so.

I updated the CsvHelper package in one of my applications to 23.0.0 and immediately notice errors. Looking at the change log ( and indeed there is a breaking change. I'm aware of the parameter change to a struct as specified in the change log and made the required change. 

For somewhat reason, Visual Studio didn't like the configuration part, for example the PrepareHeaderForMatch delegate, in which it can't access the property of the struct argument. The error message says: Property 'CsvHelper.PrepareHeaderForMatchArgs.Header' is of unsupported type.

This happens on Visual Studio 2017. So, I visited the GitHub repository:

and noticed the following code:

public string Header { get; init; }

After searching online, seems like the 'init' setter is the issue. It is supported in VB 16.9 which is immediately available in Visual Studio 2019.

When I opened the code in Visual Studio 2019, the error went away. So due to time constraint, I switch to VS 2019 for that particular application.

USERPROFILE Environment Variable Resolves to C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile via AWS Systems Manager

Context is important which is why different environment can and will produce different values. This time it happened when I ran a PowerShell script through AWS Systems Manager (SSM).

I intended to download a file reliably to Downloads directory through PowerShell script and AWS Systems Manager. 

At first, it seems straight forward, SSM Agent usually runs as ssm-user with administrator privilege. And USERPROFILE environment variable usually resolves to C:\Users\<username>, well, at least locally. So, $env:USERPROFILE\Downloads should work as intended. 

But it isn't so in my particular case. Instead, it resolves to C:\windows\system32\config\systemprofile\Downloads which of course doesn't exist and failed.

I also tried using $HOME and it resolves to the same path as $env:USERPROFILE.

Reading online, there are indicators that it happened on some machines and not the others. And also, this behavior has been around for a while.

Some solutions online suggest tweaking the registry but in my case, I'd rather not do that which might complicate the issue further.

And some solutions suggest using the Public user folder and another option is to use ProgramData folder. Both options are not very clear for my use case.

In the end, I decided to use and create a custom directory if it doesn't exist using the following script:

if (!(Test-Path $DownloadDirectory)) {
    New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $DownloadDirectory

Of course, it will fail if somehow the SSM agent doesn't have permission to create a directory, but in my case, this is acceptable.