Putting 2 HTML Elements Side by Side
Many times I have to battle on which methods are the best in putting two HTML elements side-by-side. Let say we have the following elements:
Based on my own experience and preference, I usually use one of these 3 css options. For clarification, they are by no means comprehensive ways to style two elements nor the points are meant to capture all possibilities.
Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3:
.Container { display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; }
Each option has its own characteristics.
Option 1:
Option 2:
Option 3:
<div class="Container"> <div class="LeftColumn"></div> <div class="RightColumn"></div> </div>
Based on my own experience and preference, I usually use one of these 3 css options. For clarification, they are by no means comprehensive ways to style two elements nor the points are meant to capture all possibilities.
Option 1:
.LeftColumn, .RightColumn { display:inline-block; width: 50%; }
Option 2:
.LeftColumn { float: left; } .RightColumn { float: right; }
Option 3:
.Container { display: flex; flex-direction: row; justify-content: space-between; }
Each option has its own characteristics.
Option 1:
- It will create a gap between the two elements.
- If browser is shrinked width-wise, the second element will not be automatically wrapped.
Option 2:
- The first element will be anchored to the left and the second element will be anchored to the right.
- To prevent the next element from being rendered unexpected, a third element with css property of clear: both is needed.
- If browser is shrinked width-wise, the second element will be placed underneath the first.
- vertical-align property and some other properties have no effect.
Option 3:
- Same points as option 2 but without the need of the third element.
- New CSS 3 properties but it has more ways for customization.
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