Friday, September 11, 2020

Signing Certificate is None in Xcode

Xcode has this capability to manage certificates, app ID and provisioning profile which makes is very convenient. However, this time, I would like to manage my own.

I manage to get Xcode to recognize the provisioning profile that I have created in However, under .xcodeproj (project file) > Signing & Capabilities > Signing Certificate, the value is none. It also comes with an error that it the provisioning profile is not associated with its own developer certificate. I have made sure that the certificate associated with the provisioning profile is stored in my Keychain, but it seems like Xcode is still trying to use a different certificate for signing.

My guess was right, I went to .xcodeproj (project file) > Build Settings > Code Signing Identity and found out that it is set to iOS Developer under "Automatic" section. Switching it to the right (associated with provisioning profile) certificate on the Keychain solves the issue.

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