Entity Framework Sorting/ Ordering and Dynamic LINQ

One of my coworkers would like me to update my IEnumerable SortBy extension method to support multiple columns. As I was working on it, I stumbled upon a nice StackOverflow question on Dynamic LINQ OrderBy on IEnumerable<T> and also Dynamic LINQ.

They are all awesome. I decided to try Dynamic LINQ by adding it through Nuget. However, I soon found that Dynamic LINQ only support property names. In some cases, we want to be able to sort by specifying column attribute value, so I still use my own code which works just fine although it might not be optimized for performance.

For example in VB.NET:

Public Class Customer
    <Column c_name="">
    Public Property Name As String

    <Column c_age="">
    Public Property Age As Integer
End Public

Dim sortedByName = dbContext.Customers.AsEnumerable().SortBy("c_Name, c_Age DESC")

The gist for my code can be found in:


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