Just another black box day. I had to move an EC2 instance to a different subnet, so I created an AMI out of it and launch it on a different subnet. Everything went well and it has no issue reaching the internet, but apparently not everything went well. The AWS agents such as SSM agent and CodeDeploy agent in the instance stop working. After checking the logs, they can't access the EC2 metadata. Since this is a Windows Server 2019 instance, it also shows that it is not activated, which is strange. On the following article, I found out that my issue was due to the "Gateway Address doesn't match that of the current subnet". https://aws.amazon.com/premiumsupport/knowledge-center/waiting-for-metadata/ Running the suggested command fixed the issue: Import-Module c:\ProgramData\Amazon\EC2-Windows\Launch\Module\Ec2Launch.psm1 ; Add-Routes
Technology advances so fast and I have a new web application which I built using .NET Core 2.1. However, my current web hosting provider does not support .NET Core and I have to look for a new web hosting. Reading some forums, found out that A2 Hosting plans to install .NET Core 2.1 in their shared hosting on August 2018. So on September 5th, 2018, I signed up for a new account with them. The coupon HOSTINGFACTS that I found from a web hosting review website still works and gave me 53% one-time discount. Everything went smoothly until I found out that in my Plesk, I was unable to go higher than .NET 4.6.2. So, I decided to chat with their customer support. It took a while to get in touch with an agent, which makes sense because they have lots of customers and it was during busy hour. From the chat with their customer support, I found out that .NET Core 2.1 has indeed been installed and what is weird is I don't have to flip the .NET version in Plesk. With that information, I d...
I was trying to create an archive in Xcode to prepare the app for testing. It requires a code signing certificate and Xcode tried to reach out to Keychain to obtain it, so it prompted me for a password to my Keychain. My first thought is since the Keychain lives in my Mac, it has to be my Mac's password, so I entered it and it failed. I re-checked the characters, re-entered and it still failed. That is odd considering I did that before without issue. I found out that my Keychain Access app was still active. I have to quit the app and then it proceeds properly. So, the solution is quit the Keychain Access app before entering password for signing.
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